In Bangladesh 🇧🇩 boys are named Rabbi Is this name permissible to keep #islam #hijab assim al hakeem
If a person repents from cursing Allah but nt from cursing someone's mom, is repentance valid assim
Is it halal for a salesperson 2 take commission #islam #islamic #quran #allah #hijab assim al hakeem
Can I sell colorful sunglasses to women #islam #islamic #quran #allah #hadees #hijab assim al hakeem
She stopped talking to non mahram guy & changed intention for Allah, is this shirk? assim al hakeem
Is it haram (Shirk) to bow to the opponent in Judo Karate etc #islam #islamic #quran assim al hakeem
When should I stand up to complete my missed rakah? #quran #islam #islamic #hijab assim al hakeem
If a person repents from drinking beer but not whisky Is his repentance valid #islam assim al hakeem
Imam puts wet blanket on floor Makes dhikr, conceals its reason Cn I pray behind him assim al hakeem
Will Angels not enter the house where a woman is not covering her head #islam #hijab assim al hakeem
How can I know Allah? #allah #quran #islam #islamic #hadees #hadith #hijab #sunnah assim al hakeem
Is latecomer's prayer valid if he joins the congregation by making his own row alone assim al hakeem
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