Allah's system of accountability after sending The Prophets & Messengers #Assim assim al hakeem
After every prayer I doubt if I prayed or not, what to do? #Assim #assimalhakeem assim al hakeem
Should I vote or pay a fine? #Assim #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeem
What to do if I join Imam late, don't have time to recite fatiha & Imam goes to ruku assim al hakeem
Mum did her best to raise her son islamically but he (30 yrs) doesn't pray or fast, is she sinful?
What is the punishment for not praying our 5 daily prayers? (Labeling someone Kafir) assim al hakeem
Hell is harsh, Paradise is amazing, how do we balance the two? #Assim #assimalhakeem assim al hakeem
If he misses Dhuhr & it's time for Asr, can he make it up? Will it be valid? #Assim assim al hakeem
When a pilgrim comes back from hajj, is his dua answered for 40 days? #Assim #assim assim al hakeem
Allah's Mercy is vast & His punishment is severe! #Assim #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeem
Sheikh, which Ayah resonates with you the most? #Assim #ayah #quran #assimalhakeem assim al hakeem
For people who are struggling around the world! #Assim #calamity #assimalhakeem assim al hakeem
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