My Christian family didn’t accept me | Reverted Muslims | #Shorts
May ALLAH (SWT) invite You | Umrah 2025 | #Shorts
Quran is the source of all Science | Miracles of the Quran | #AlQuran
Ceasefire for Gaza | Alhamdulillah | #FreePalestine
Salah is the key to success in your Life | Prayer is the key to success in your Life | #Prayer
Do we pray to the same God | Beautiful Answer | #Shorts
In the name of ALLAH | ALLAH is the Greatest | #AllahuAkbar
I preached Christianity im the Streets | Converted to Islam | #Shorts
Viku from Jerusalem reverted to Islam | Alhamdulillah | #Shorts
Islam is the fastest growing Religion | Alhamdulillah | #Shorts
ALLAH is our Protector | ALLAH is All-Forgiving and Most Merciful | #Shorts
Grace from America reverted to Islam | Alhamdulillah | #Shorts
So you’re thinking about Islam… or have recently reverted. Alhamdolillah… Praise be to God who guides whoever he wills.
So what exactly is Islam all about and why are people turning to it?