The rights of the Muslim are five:
- That you return the salam
- That you visit the sick
- That you follow the funeral procession
- That you accept the invitation
- That you reply to the one who sneezes
All Your Favorite Islamic Education Videos
Sheikh Yasir Qadhi explains sihr (magic), how the Jinn are involved, why Man should not be afraid and how to protect oneself from it.
Watch the whole video (scroll to bottom) or the short excerpts below.
There is no doubt that the Jinn are stronger than Man and have abilities we do not have. That is why they can apparently make the ‘impossible’ happen.
However, Man was created with a superior intellect and a more noble station…
The evil shayateen amongst the Jinn, first and foremost Iblees, let their arrogance get the better of them and resent feeling inferior to the noble station granted to Man by Allah.
The Quran tells us of how Allah sent angels Harut and Marut to the people of Babylon to test them with the knowledge of Magic.
Magic is the intersection between the world of the Jinn and that of Man.
The Magician is an evil person who debases himself in front of the Jinn to make the Jinn feel superior. In return the Jinn performs the ‘supernatural’ acts.
The Jinn are terrified of iman, taqwa and your belief in Allah.
Showing fear puts the Jinn in control. Only Allah is to be feared.
Sheikh Abu Esa of Al Maghrib Institute clearly breaks down the issue of gelatine in vaccines in general and in light of the Covid pandemic.
Pork products being part of their vaccines has been ruled out by Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca – it is not yet clear if other vaccines in the market are gelatine-free
Porcine gelatine is used in vaccines as a stabiliser – to ensure that the vaccine remains safe and effective during storage... the product used in vaccines is highly purified and broken down into very small molecules called peptides.
Vaccines containing porcine are not permitted in Islam unless lives are at risk and there are no alternatives.
Revert Muslim AbdurRaheem Green of iERA (Islamic Education & Research Academy) shares a psychological view of what makes people happy.
Hedonistic Entropy is when we feed ourselves with short-term pleasures… but pleasure is not the same as happiness.
Why is it that we climb that mountain? That sense of purpose, struggle and fulfilment are keys to success and happiness.
A once in a lifetime event, after 85 years, the first Jumuah was held at Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, today Friday 3rd Dhu’l Hijjah attended by tens of thousands of worshippers.
After his own people snatched away his dignity, Ibrahim’s (pbuh) plea to Allah was answered with a promise that would reduce the humiliation of this world to nothing.
Watch Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi’s Friday khutba at East Plano Islamic Centre, Texas this July 17th 2020.
Ustaadh Refi Shafi of WISE Masjid Salam gives a timely reminder on the virtues of the month of Dhu’l-Hijjah and the rules of the sacrifice.
Ustaadh Refi Shafi reminds us how the arab is no better than the non-arab. That the non-arab is no better than the arab. Verily arab, black or white, we are all humans and God only looks at our piety.
In this animated video, Mufti Menk elaborates on the benefits and rewards of fasting six days of Shawwal following the fast of Ramadan.