In this animated video, Mufti Menk elaborates on the benefits and rewards of fasting six days of Shawwal following the fast of Ramadan.
Six Fasts of Shawwal
Eid Takbiraat
Eid ul Fitr 2020
Praying Eid at Home
In this reminder, Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble advises on how to make Eid prayer from your home with your family:
- It is sunnah to make takbiraat before the prayers (see below).
- It is sunnah to eat something before the prayer.
- Khutba after the prayer is not mandatory (given the challenges of lockdown)
- The prayer will comprise of two rakat just like Fajr/ Jumuah and the Imam will recite aloud.
- In the first rakat, after the initial takbir to commence prayer, the Imam will make an additional 6 takbiraat (Allah Akbar).
- In the second rakat, after takbir on rising from sujood of the first rakat, the Imam will make an additional 5 takbiraat (Allah Akbar).
- Is is sunnah to greet the people after completing the prayer.
Takbir of Eid
Seeking the Night of Power on the Even Nights!
Question: I’tikaf at Home?
The Best Story in the Quran
In this episode, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi covers Surah Yusuf, considered to be one of the most detailed and powerful stories of the prophets in the Quran.